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Monday, October 09, 2006


I hope everyone has a great observation. Good Luck and lets keep talking about it up here (if we have time) this week and next week. Have fun,


Blogger Leanna said...

I would love to hear what schools you are all at for Jan...You are almost there!!

3:43 AM

Blogger Leah said...

How is everyone's observation going? Mine is going very well - I definitely feel like I could actually do this job now. I am at Chemainus Secondary, Leanna - a little bit outside of your neck of the woods! It is a newly renovated school and quite small - 450 kids, 8-12 -- quite nice, actually.
I am so tired every night, though - just from watching!
I hope you're all doing well...

7:46 PM

Blogger ABakker said...

I'm at Aldergrove Community Secondary School in Aldergrove (Langley S.D.) I really like my sponsor teachers but I like it best when I get to help out and not watch. Today we had guest speakers from Nepal (it was great) plus I'm going to get to teach Comp Civ on my practicum. I miss talking to you guys though. I hope you are all doing well and doing way more of your assignments than the ultimate procrastinator (that'd be me)

12:34 AM

Blogger Mark said...

Hey - I'm at Reynolds. The school has a really good feel - there's students who smile, say hi, even though us student teachers are complete strangers at the school. There's already a couple kids who say "Hey, Mr. T" when I'm walking down the hall (see the professionalism post re: the nickname), and I was walking by some tennis courts close to the school the other day, and someone said "Hi, Mr. Theobald!" and waved. It's a good feeling...

I've been spending lunches/after school in a math class helping - nice to know I still remember this stuff, and it feels good to be helping. I also taught a lesson yesterday on function operations - it was so cool! My sponsor teacher's reasoning is that theory and methods classes don't mean squat unless you've stood in front of a class and had a taste of how things work - I totally agree. Plus, I've got that nerve-wracking first class out of the way, found the butterflies left as soon as I started teaching, and I loved it! I was like, "This is where I am supposed to be!" That has been such a huge stress I got some awesome feedback from my sponsor - things to pay attention to in the next couple months, and things to not worry about - and, I can now actually write a unit of lesson plans that I'll be able to actually use!

Sat in on an applied 10 math class - whew. What a horror story that was. Kids not caring about math, not caring what the teacher says - in one class, two kids had to move seats, one went up to the office with the teacher (who left me in charge - being a science room, two kids start playing with a leaky tap and making a real mess - I went over and said something along the lines of "C'mon guys, lets try and do some work" at which point one kid says "Maybe we'll just play with the tap for the rest of the class, because this class sucks." Well, didn't really know what to say to that, and thankfully the teacher returned at that moment...). The class was kept in 5 minutes (end of the day), one kid got up to leave - then the teacher says "I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Kid sits back down. Just when things are going well - the teacher says, "Is there something I'm not doing right? Is there something I could do better?" Whoa, what a disaster - kids start criticizing the teacher, who then starts trying to justify their teaching style, kids grumble, says they'll try to change certain things - by the time the five minutes was up, I'd say the class was in worse shape in terms of their respect for the teacher than at the end!

Anyways - overall, it's been great. My two sponsor teachers are entirely different, so it will be interesting trying to satisfy their different expectations in the two classes...

Anyhoo, enough rambling - it's awesome, draining, and because of that darn booklet of questions we have to answer, really annoying at the same time....

10:55 AM


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