language choice
Just a warning, what I am about to say borders on the too-much-attention-to-detail side, but as an excuse I will tell you it is not teacher-training induced. I have always been this way (well, at least since high school) so maybe that is some sort of excuse to mention such a nit-picky thing as the language used in a classroom (or anywhere else in life).
My biggest pet peeve is when people say "you guys" or "guys" when referring to a group of people that contains both males and females. I know I do it too, because it is easy, and the definition of "guys" is up for debate. But I really strive not to say it, as I don't want to dis-clude (is that a word?) the females in my classroom (or anywhere else).
Does "guys" bother anybody else, or am I totally dwelling on a 1950s definition of "guys"?
The alternatives are kind of messy and awkward: I don't like "guys and girls" and I don't like "boys and girls" (unless they are boys and girls - that is under 12 or some age). "Students"? "Class"? How do we refer to our "student body"? They're not "men and women," really - and I think that would be too awkward. "Young adults" -- as in "Okay, young adults, let's get to work." I don't think so!
(ps. my other pet peeve is being called a "girl" at this stage in my life. I've heard this time and again when people will refer to Mr. So-and-So as a "man" and Ms. So-and-So as a "girl" despite the fact they are both in their 50s. )
(Did I tell you my B.A. is in English?) (joke)
Funny you brought this up. My husband was out riding his bike the other night (by himself at the Dump--mountain bike park) and he came across a bunch of ladies on their bikes. He came up to them and said "Hey guys, are you having a good ride? This drop in (technical term) isn't too bad!"
Afterwards when he got home, he was devastated with himself....guys!?! He felt so badly about it and wasn't sure how he should have addressed them instead...hey ladies? Cheesy. Hey women? Doubt it. So anyway my friends (women) were talking about it and we were laughing at various terms....hey humans, hey professionals, hey people, etc. For me personally I don't take offence because I could care less but I know that some women do. As for the classroom setting, hey class? Just having good intentions is probably all we can truly so. So even though my husband was embarrased atleast he thought twice and truly wasn't trying to be offensive.
7:59 PM
thanks for those comments - I realize that when people say "guys" it is almost always meant to include everyone. Sometimes my husband calls me "man," as in "Thanks, Man!" It's surfer lingo, I guess, but I can't help myself from replying, "Wo-man!" like an old hag.
Funny thing about ladies and bikes - my mom told me a few years ago that she had just bought a "ladies" bike and I said , "Oh, do you ride side-saddle?" hahaha, i am so witty!
8:28 PM
A comment about this side-saddle business. If there truly was logic in this world shouldn't it be men riding side-saddle?
9:37 PM
I mean come on guys. I try my best, but sometimes it just comes out wrong.
5:48 AM
I thought the side-saddle joke was great, myself...
4:32 PM
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