Exciting Mini Lessons all around

I was very excited about everyone's mini-lessons. We hear all the time about the effectiveness of discovery learning, and hands on activities but I always think "but how would we actually do that?" Well everyone had awesome ways and I actually learned about chemistry and math I still know what Vander Waals forces are 1 whole day later wow! I think that I need to prepare better to answer some of the questions of my students around my lesson. Who knows what they could ask...ex what is the purpose of the seven deadly sins?
(The goal of the seven deadly sins was to illustrate for laypersons of theIn case you still want to know Liane. I definately was suprised that I wasn't more confident in front of the group and I think I will work on that in my second mini lesson. Way to go everyone! You are all going to be fantastic engaging teachers.
church the need to be mindful of capital sin, or sin which requires penance in
Hell. Capital sin is graver than venial sin, which can be forgiven through
confession. it was introduced in the 6th Century)
Ashley, you seemed confident in front of the class and even more so when speaking with our smaller group - what does confidence look like? What level of confidence should we have as teachers - over confidence is definately not helpful - lack of planning, not listening to the students' learning process, or talking too much are all signs of overconfidence.
Your concern of knowing a bit more information about your content was not as relevant to what I saw - you were looking for affective responses (emotional/thoughtful); knowing where to point students for more information is better than thinking you need to know more.
I agree with you that it is important to see more discovery learning in process so do find a teacher at your practicum school to observe who does this. Thanks for a great lesson!
8:31 PM
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