friday, friday, friday
Friday was great - I really enjoyed all of your lessons, as everyone else has been saying, but it's true! Even math, which works against all of the neural networks I've fostered in my brain, was really fun and a great learning experience. I cannot fathom the genius that you all must have! I think I might go back to school and try out math and science courses. Oh! And history! Yikes. So much.
Anyway - I guess I'll talk about our lesson that Rob and I "taught."
I enjoyed it, and thanks to all of you for being such active role players.
When Rob and I were picking out the music that morning in the car I got all giddy about using Jimi's version of The Star Spangled Banner I think I scared Rob. It was very exciting and I definitely think I am going to use it or something like it to talk about form vs content in a future English class.
That said, I realize the planning I did did not prepare me adequately for the lesson. I knew what I wanted to say before I got to the front of the room, but like Anna, when I got there my mouth took over and I don't remember what came out. To Rob, I don't think you rambled, I was happy you were there to act as a coherent force for our team, but I was a little disappointed with myself for kind of stepping back.
Also, relying on what students might say in lesson planning was a little bit dodgy - I knew you would all be kind and come up with great responses, but what about high school students?
All-in-all, though, I really enjoyed "teaching." I keep putting it in quotation marks because I wonder what was learned. Maybe that is my biggest question. I know what I learned from the rest of you, but I'm questionning how effective my style and content were.
I think I'm contradicting myself - best to say good night!

Leah - so many critical things that you have touched on here: students being prepared to participate in a discussion on political ideologies in music will depend on how well you prepared them ahead of time - I definately believe that high school students are capable of having a sophisticated discussion if given enough guidance ahead of time.
You also mentioned being disappointed in yourself - never be disappointed in yourself when teaching! There are too many things we can beat ourselves up about but that will be ineffective reflection - reflect and move on - keep disappointment out of site!
I also love Donald's comments about the importance of being a facilitator - there is skill involved in facilitating a discussion and you did well at listening to students' comments and then trying to reiterate what was said - giving all the voices a chance to be heard in an excited discussion is essential. For those of you wondering...I have been reading your comments all weekend - biting my tongue so that those of you who felt the need to comment did so without my direction - I wanted you to reflect on what you thought was important to your teaching - not simply what I would point out. So far you have all proved yourself professional in finding areas to critique and move forward on - I'm so impressed!
9:39 PM
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