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Sunday, August 20, 2006

This Sociology 434 Assignment is Driving Me Nuts!

I think this is a useless assignment, and I am so frustrated with the fact that it makes no sense at all!


How on earth am I going to get this ridiculous requirement done by tomorrow!!!???



Blogger Alan said...

I am with you. If not being able to figure out this assignment means I won't make a good teacher than I am in trouble!! Ireally don't think that this asignment deals with reality.

10:53 AM

Blogger Vanessa said...

I'll say! Do you know how long she wants it to be?? I'm at 4 pages (singles spaced) and I don't even think I'm on the right track!!!

10:56 AM

Blogger Alan said...

is anyone else's really really short??

2:33 PM

Blogger Alan said...

what are talking about in this assignment Anna?

2:34 PM

Blogger Alan said...

That's what I like to here. Myself my therapy is in the shape of wine. I thought it more appropriate if you catch my drift.

2:51 PM

Blogger Vanessa said...

Thanks Drew,

I've done pretty much the same...I sucked it up and just started typing up a storm to get it over with.
What Rob says is true, in the end whether we get an A+, A- or so on, it won't make a difference, so enjoy the wine, (whine?) beer, JD or otherwise.


3:44 PM

Blogger ABakker said...

I've just rambled my way through 4 pages of point form drivel. Hurah to summer vacation. If we all just write mediocre then at least everyone will get the same mark. Just Kidding...or am I. Thanks for the read through and input everyone it clarifies a lot for me (well at least as much as my procrastinating brain is willing to be clarified.)

4:22 PM


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